Tag Archives: Haruki the Shiba

New Year and Fireworks done wrong

2018 is history and with it hopefully all the bad luck which accumulated towards the end of the year. Now we welcome 2019 and have big hopes that it will turn out better. So how did we celebrate the New Year? Same procedure as every year! We celebrated at home and had some Raclette with my father and brother. My mom decided as every year to have her peace from the family and just watch TV till we would come downstairs around 11pm.

Picture from few years ago but it was pretty much the same again this time

Yes there was nothing extraordinary with our New Year celebration and I am really happy about it as I had kind of other worries. Until we got Haruki the Shiba I never really thought much about the effect fireworks might have on animals. No, I was never one of those idiots buying a massive amount of fireworks and crackers to basically burn away my money on New Year but I liked to have few rockets ready for the big event. This year is was slightly different. In November Haruki and I had already a bad encounter with some youths throwing firecrackers at us in the dark resulting that the dog was terrified for a week and did not dare to go out of the apartment. He recovered but this made me worry a lot about New Year.

Nathalie stealing Harukis’ spot at New Year

I don’t know how it is in other countries but here a lot of people just go crazy with their private fireworks. For example this year the police arrested a man with over 850kg of fireworks! Who on earth needs that? As soon as there are posts online about respecting the animals and not to have such big fireworks they get swamped with hate comments. It is just insane how people think that their freedom will be taken away just by asking them to buy fewer fireworks. I really doubt that anyone will suffer from not being allowed to blow up half the neighbourhood on New Year but nothing is done against it and won’t be done in the next years.

Haruki with his constant sad face

Not only we had the bad encounter in November but just two days before New Year once again some youths threw firecrackers at us and they exploded right at Haruki resulting in a terrified dog with burns in his face. So I was preparing for the worst on New Year but the little warrior kept relatively calm during the whole evening even when outside. Only when the big fireworks began he started to shake but my mother kept in safe in her arms and he calmed down. Now that 2019 has begun I read every day posts from people searching for their pets as they ran away on New Year. I wonder how many are actually able to find their beloved pet again as those animals are terrified and just run in any direction during the fireworks. Once I read an article where a dog had run to another State and was found few years later over 200 km away!

For the next time New Year is coming up I will try to get some “training” done with Haruki in order to prevent too extreme reactions. Besides that I will also try to find something to throw at those kids if they get too close with their fireworks!


How did you celebrate New Year?

Be sure to follow me also on Facebook and on Twitter as I will post there occasionally pictures which do not find their way into my blog posts. Furthermore there is also my Instagram account in which from time to time some pictures and short videos might pop up.





Enjoying the colorful autumn

Today we had finally time to enjoy a wonderful autumn day. This year is a strange one as the incredible hot and dry summer has shown already. Also this autumn is a very warm one and I could even wear shorts and t-shirt until a week ago. Now that we have at least today a bit more time we took the kids and our puppy out for a nice walk through the nearby park. Last time I wrote about such walk was back in 2015!

Some of the old houses

The street we live in is an old one full of historical buildings. It is always nice to walk by them as they have such a different feeling to them compared to what has been built here since WWII. Nearly all of them have some interesting story attached to them such as the family who built them or that one even has been moved to its current location by a kilometer over a hundred years ago to make space for a much bigger mansion. Sometimes I envy those people who live in those buildings but then again I remember how much work it takes (and money) to maintain those old houses not to speak about the terrible insulation they often have.


Our main goal today was the park just five minutes away from our home. Autumn turns the entire forest to a colorful place from some fairytale. Not only did our children enjoyed running around the park but also our puppy Haruki. Usually I always need a leash for him as he wants to play with everyone we pass by so going to the park was a perfect opportunity to let him run freely around.  He never ran far and was very happy that he had no restriction and perhaps also because he felt that we trust him (more or less, he is a crazy one). Shibas are a bit different and many of them never really experience to run around without a leash as they have their own mind and decide on their own when to listen to their “master”.  For now Haruki still listens to us but we still have over 1 1/2 years till he is more or less grown up and a lot can happen.

Haruki the Shiba


It is nice to have sometimes a bit less to do and have more time for the family. The walk was really refreshing and it felt like I had more energy after it. The entire week was a bit wild with lots of work, helping a friend renovating and moving and going crazy with my computer (there might a post about my computer upgrading stuff even though I know that 99% of my readership does not have any interest in such things).

Are you enjoying walks through parks/ forests on sunny autumn days?

Be sure to follow me also on Facebook and on Twitter as I will post there occasionally pictures which do not find their way into my blog posts. Furthermore there is also my Instagram account in which from time to time some pictures and short videos might pop up.




Our new family member Haruki the Shiba

Everyone who follows me on social media might have seen that a tiny little puppy popped up in my feeds in the past two weeks. In fact that puppy kept us so busy that this blog post had to wait till now as there was just no time last weekend.

Two weeks ago I went to an official dog breeder together with Nathan to pick up our Shiba Inu puppy Haruki. My wife had no idea about this whole matter the entire time and was pretty shocked. When she saw Nathan carrying a little puppy she thought I had borrowed him from some friend or program. Well it really seems that I kept all my research and reaching out to multiple breeders over the past year a very good secret.

Haruki just a bit over 8 weeks old, right after we got him

Back in Finland we were playing already with the idea of getting a dog. My wife always wanted some small dog breed like Pomeranian while I prefered a Samoyed. As you might see (in case you have some ideas about dog breeds) that both of them are in fact Spitz. However we gave up on the idea as our apartment in Finland was just too small and we planned on moving to Germany. Then in 2014 just a month before moving away from Finland a friend of us visited us with her new Shiba Inu puppy Tsuki. It was that first meeting with a Shiba that got me hooked.

The little fox

During the first few years here in Germany I put the idea of getting a dog aside as many things happened with my work, getting sick, starting our own business and the birth of Nathalie. But then last year just few months after Nathalie was born the first one of our little bunnies passed away. It was then that I started researching about Shiba Inus again and reaching out to Shiba breeders in Germany. Let me tell you that it is so hard to even reserve a Shiba puppy as there are only few breeders in Germany and most of them are in South Germany while we live in the very North. To make matters worse these dogs usually give birth to only 2-3 puppies.

Haruki now with already over ten weeks old, what a sad looking little fellow

During this summer when we were still in Finland (and met once again with Tsuki the Shiba from our friend of which I posted also on Instagram) I finally found per chance a Shiba breeder just 1 1/2 hours away from our hometown and they just got three little healthy puppies. I immediately contacted them and set up a meeting to check out the puppies. As my wife was not allowed to know at all about this I had to make up some excuses to drive 150km away so I told her that I was going to check out some cars with my brother as he was actually even searching for a new one back then (and he is still…). My wife believed it without any questions and thus I met the three-week old puppies and reserved Haruki immediately.

You give me food now or what?

Now fast forward to the 1st of September I told my wife that I would be going to some meeting from Kindergarten with Nathan and once again she believed me. She was not even questioning me when I took the car even though the Kindergarten is just 200m away from our building. I also posted a picture on Instagram of Haruki on Instagram when I picked him up. And then we arrived back home with a puppy and she did not believe me at all, only after I told her to contact our friend in Finland who has a Shiba and ask her, she slowly started to realize that our family got another baby.

Sleeping is great

Our little Haruki kept as rather busy thus far but it got better and better the past days. By now I don’t even need to get up in the middle of the night to let him out and he sleeps till we get up. In fact he spends most of the day sleeping, cleaning himself like a cat, playing for a short time, eating and making cat-like sounds rather than barking. No this is not unusual for Shiba’s as they are a bit different from many dog breeds. I heard from other people that their dogs are so lazy that they fall asleep while taking a walk!

Do you have a dog or are planning for one?

Be sure to follow me also on Facebook and on Twitter as I will post there occasionally pictures which do not find their way into my blog posts. Furthermore there is also my Instagram account in which from time to time some pictures and short videos might pop up.