I do whatever I want to do

Some of you may have heard about some certain coronavirus going around. No, I won’t be writing now all about the how it is spreading and what will happen in the near future but all about my dear Chinese mother-in-law, once again. Over the past years I had so many blog posts about her and her “special” behavior, especially regarding her doing whatever she feels like to. Now it is once again not any different. In Xi’an the situation is currently not that extreme as in Wuhan but everyday life is certainly limited now. For example each household can only send one person out every second day or so to buy groceries and whatever else is needed. This is strictly monitored as most apartment blocks have their own entrance(s) which are locked and the security guard (or something very similar to that position) is taking note who is leaving and coming back. Upon coming back they will also check the temperature of the person to make sure that they have no fever.

Fear me

As you can see it is really restricted about going out currently and you shouldn’t waste any of those “outings”, as a household always needs some certain supplies. Now we have MIL entering the combat zone with her own unique ideas what to do when going out. Just few days ago father-in-law called my wife that MIL had left the apartment to go feed the stray dogs in the area. My wife immediately tried to reach her mother but she didn’t answer her phone. Few hours later then she was able to reach her and asked where she had gone. My wife had to make it appear as her father didn’t sell out his wife about her outing as that woman can be really difficult towards him. So the conversation between my wife and MIL went along these lines:

Wife: “I tried to reach you, because the kids want to talk to you, where were you?”

MIL: “I am busy preparing dinner now and before I was bringing boxes (for our business) away with your father, nothing special.”

Wife: “But there are no boxes currently which need to be sent away.”

MIL: “oh, just some boxes…”

Wife: “And you never go out with dad to bring them away, he is always doing it alone!”

MIL: “I ate to much and wanted to take a walk..”

Wife: “So you go out to take a walk because you ate too much, but didn’t you tell me just that you are preparing dinner?”

MIL: “I was still full from lunch, way too much food”

Wife: “So you go out for a walk even with the virus around. You would never do that except you go dancing in the park with your group or feed the stray dogs!”

MIL: “Don’t be silly, there is no dancing currently because people are not allowed to have meetings like that right now”

Wife: “So you went to feed the dogs!”

MIL: “No no, just taking a walk”

Wife: “The dogs…”

MIL: “Just a little bit, I did not even touch them”

Wife: “You know that you are not allowed to feed them anymore!”


Yeah, MIL wouldn’t admit it really that she just went to feed the dogs. The reason why she is not allowed to feed them anymore by wife has two reasons. For one she has no vaccinations and the second reason she kind of kills the dogs with the food as she feeds the leftover super spicy food either from the restaurants or currently from what they cook at home.

Poor dogs locked up in cage they can’t even lie down


Even though MIL means to help the animals she does the exact opposite. Here in Germany she went out to feed the ducks in the city center with spoiled meat during her first summer here and magically after the very same summer 90% of the duck population had died/ vanished here replace by seagulls. Besides that she loves to feed dogs with chocolate cookies and other things she might find somewhere in the shops. Her own dogs had all kind of stomach problems already and they have rotten teeth as she never ever brushes their teeth or give anything to help keeping the teeth more or less clean. By now you can smell the breath of her dogs a mile against the wind, one of the reasons why FIL doesn’t want to get near them.

Oh well, MIL is just like that and thanks to her “taking a walk” it took another two days till they could buy groceries as she didn’t buy anything after feeding the dogs. All very reasonable according to her and only her.

Be sure to follow me also on Facebook and on Twitter as I will post there occasionally pictures which do not find their way into my blog posts. Furthermore there is also my Instagram account in which from time to time some pictures and short videos might pop up.





New Year and no real news

2020 has been going on already for a while and it has been over one month since my last blog post. There are multiple reasons for that such as stress with work and with it also an uncomfortable few weeks. As some know my wife and I have our own exporting business and it has been going downhill since summer. As the business is our only means of income it is really not a nice feeling when you realize that everything you built up for several years just vanishes in your hands. It is not that we were running our business in such bad way but due to the market changes in China ever since the trade war with the USA began. All the products we are selling are now available just like that in China as all the companies opened up their own webstores as exporting for them became easier last year for German companies (to fight against the trade war…). In the end small companies such as ours are the losers in such wars and all other people in Germany my wife know with a similar kind of business say that 2020 is the last year for them.

Nathalie checking out the situation outside the hotel

So now it is time for me again to start some job hunting but at least we are not in such hurry as back in 2014 when we moved here as I couldn’t get any kind of insurance for us without work or a “thumbs up” from the employment agency (we got a “thumps down” from them after I was already employed for a few months, bureaucracy is just insane and slow in Germany). So back then I just took the first opportunity I got and the payment wasn’t the best in the world. Anyhow now I can carefully select were I will apply for and won’t rush anything.


For January 2020 we had the great plan to travel to Finland so the kids can finally see some snow. That plan was scratched as Finland is experiencing the mildest winter in recorded history and there is no snow anywhere near our cottage (never happened before). This winter is also the first time that the big lakes are not freezing which also is just wrong. But hey, Global Warming is just a hoax anyways invented by the Chinese according to a very trustworthy source from the USA.

Haruki also wants food at the restaurant

Besides these not so nice things we had last weekend a family gathering just like in 2017 and it was wonderful to see so many of my cousins with their families again. Next gathering might be my fathers 80th birthday! However not all plans are scratched for this year as we will still travel to China from April to May again. This will be the last time for us to travel outside the school holidays as Nathan will start his school life this August. After that we won’t be able to travel anywhere outside those set school holidays for the next 16 years or so.

Nothing new in China from the crazy family either as Granny is still doing fine despite that the cancer has spread to muliple organs already. She doesn’t feel any changes in her life yet and she also still does not know anything about the disease either. She won’t be told at all till the bitter end. Last year the family was afraid of losing her already by summer time but she is still going strong so I bet we will meet her this spring again.

How has 2020 started for you?

Be sure to follow me also on Facebook and on Twitter as I will post there occasionally pictures which do not find their way into my blog posts. Furthermore there is also my Instagram account in which from time to time some pictures and short videos might pop up.




I think my family is crazy

Over the years I had way too many blog posts about crazy mother-in-law and the rest of her family but something happened this week. After a long long call with her Aunty, my wife R. figured out something amazing as she turned in the car towards me and said “I’m going insane, my mom’s family is crazy, just so crazy!”. Only thing I could answer was “I figured that out years ago Dear”.

My wife R. can be sometimes a bit slow when things are not about our business but I was surprised it took her 32 years to figure out that her mom’s family is crazy. The whole crazy family dawned on me some when around 2013, after being together with my wife for three years. Back then I also started this blog as a mean for self-therapy to deal with all the insanity I had encountered in China and when MIL came to visit. In 2016 I had a rough summary about MIL’s side of the family, describing the different character rather well. However back then I judged Uncle’s character totally wrong as his greed for money showed this summer as he didn’t want to pitch in money for Granny’s medications for her cancer (wasn’t even his money, he didn’t want to give the retirement money of Granny which he always keeps for himself).

Crazy Uncle, unknown extended family, Granny, crazy Aunty

So what happened that  R. figured out about her crazy family? I think the turning point was that call with Aunty as she told her that she cannot pay for the medication any longer as she is basically bankrupt. How is that possible out of nowhere, well she has also a nasty character. She started few years ago a small company for hair products with her best friend and it was doing really well. Things stopped going well when she had a fight with her friend forcing her to leave the company. Aunty ain’t good with money so it was just downhill from that point onward. In fact she is never good with money, she even kind of scammed her other former friends and neighbors into a snowball system leaving all of them without any of their hard saved cash. Due to her lack of money she now forces her sister (MIL) to pay all of the medication pretty much alone, hooray for this great family.

Someone tries to take a picture of my grandson? I need to be in it!

Besides that call from Aunty my wife also had tons of video chats with her dad in the past weeks. He always calls her when he cannot take MIL’s behavior anymore and then they kind of gossip about that crazy mom for an hour or so each time to give their frustration some outlet. There is really some reason why MIL is never invited to any family gathering in China, everyone kind of hates her. Aunty is also on a good track towards getting redlined from the family. When Aunty’s daughter calls from Japan she also only can complain about her mother and was going crazy when she stayed in Japan in the beginning of the year for several months due to having her first child (insanities including pressing the fire alarm button multiple times in the apartment and destroying some of the kitchen).

So yeah, now my wife figured out that there is something not quite right with her mom’s family, let’s see when she starts a blog for self-therapy!

Do you know people who really need a long time until they figure out that there is something odd about somebody else?

Be sure to follow me also on Facebook and on Twitter as I will post there occasionally pictures which do not find their way into my blog posts. Furthermore there is also my Instagram account in which from time to time some pictures and short videos might pop up.





My crazy Chinese Family I married into…